Hard Rock Rising Tampa Bands Set To Battle For Stardom

WHAT: Four local bands – Stonegrey, Ella Jet & Future Soul, Hope Darling and Against the Element – will take the stage at Hard Rock Cafe in Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Tampa to battle it out for a chance to play at this year’s 97x Next Big Thing. The event is open to the public with no cover charge.
The live competition will produce one Grand Prize winner who will earn a performance slot at 97x Next Big Thing 2018 at the MidFlorida Credit Union Amphitheatre in Tampa.
The Grand Prize winner will also receive an “Insta-Band” package from Dean Guitars that includes one five-piece drum kit, two electric guitars and one electric bass guitar.
Competition judges will include a variety of music industry professionals. There will be five categories included in the judging criteria – Originality (30 percent), Musicianship (20 percent), Vocal Ability (20 percent), Stage Presence (20 percent) and Audience Reaction (10 percent).
WHEN: Wednesday, August 1 – 7 p.m.
WHERE: Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Tampa
Hard Rock Cafe
5223 North Orient Road
Tampa, FL 33610
MEDIA: Media wishing to cover the event should RSVP to Darien Cobb (see contact information above) no later than Tuesday, July 31, at 5 p.m.